Wednesday, November 24, 2010


On the 24 of November 2010 29 men lost there lifes working in the mine at Greymouth in the south island.
There was a big explosion on friday one man manged to get out of the explosion the workers couldn't get
 out of  mine because of all of gases wer traped in the mine. They sent in a robot that was built to disarm bombs but part way throw the mine it broke down so they sent another one from Australia. The youngest worker was 17 and just stared working the oldest was 62. I Charlie would like to say a big thanks to all of the people who gave a hand i think the parents , partners ,children, girl friends would really thank the men who tried.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you're right Charlie. The rescuers did try their hardest and the families would thank them although at the moment they might still be a bit angry at the situation and the loss of their loved ones.
